This past week came and brought us fall weather, finally. And about time, I was really getting sick of the 100 temperatures in late September. But I guess I can’t say too much, I do live in Texas. I do hate the heat. All summer long it is just so damn hot in Texas! Well, back to what I was saying before the distraction. Oh yeah, fall is finally here! And to celebrate the change of season, I got off my lazy butt and did some exercising. Ok, I didn’t go run a marathon or compete in a triathlon.

But I did get out and I started walking again. Both last Saturday and Sunday I went for walks exploring some of my neighborhood. I discovered two very nice parks by my house.

It was just nature, me and my ‘Pod. Some much needed bonding time.

Some views of the walk. It could not have been a better day.
Meet Henry the Turtle. He was very polite and did not move while I took his photo.

And here are the ducks. They were not as kind as Henry. But they were friendly.
I also ran into as little pink gecko, but he decline to be photographed. What a little punk.