
“Out of all the Charlie Browns in the world, you are the Charlie Brownest.”

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

22 Years Ago...the Mac was delivered

Yesterday (January 24) marked 22 years since the launch of the first Macintosh computer. Check out the Superbowl TV Advertisement from 1984 that changed history. It really takes me back. (link)

Ripped from the headlines...

Hello everyone, sorry for the mess. I am have been quite absent lately and I do apologize. I have been busy, that is my excuse. Between working on web sites and my day job, I have been busy. From the new season of “24” to the continuing strangeness of “Lost”, I have busy. Oh yeah, I can’t forget my need of Law & Order and music on my iPod. I have been busy. Now I am back. And ready for a new year? What exactly have I been up to? Well, I have a couple of web site projects I am working on, one of which is a revamping of www.cblounge.com. More details coming soon. My day job has also been somewhat busy. It is only going to get more hectic too. I don’t like thinking about it too much.

I have also been blessed to have had the opportunity to spend time with some folks very special to me (over the holidays and after). Most of whom I have not seen in some time. I spent time over Christmas with my Mom, Dad, sister and the rest of my family in Amarillo. I miss you guys. I was also able to catch up with my good friend Link. It was very good to see you man. Holla! I also had the chance to spend some quality time with my travel buddy Elizabeth, whom was in town for a short time. When’s our next trip Liz?

And now it is 2006. What will this year bring? Lots of good times? Lets hope so.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Roadside Attractions: Dinosaurs, Jackalopes and More

I discovered this wonderful directory of "Roadside Attractions". By this I mean pieces of Roadside Architecture like signs and statues, usually humongous in size. One recognizable example is "Big Tex" at the Texas State Fair. And there are many more to see at: Main Link.

Included in this massive list are pictures of the Dinosaurs in Glen Rose, TX (at the Dinosaur Valley State Park). Actual dinosaur remains have been found and are still located there, but these are not them (Link). Here is the link to the pictures I took when I was there. It is a really cool place with lots of room to hike and get away.

Another favorite I found represented in this list is the illusive "Jackolope". I have yet to catch one and take a picture of it (they are very fast and sneaky), but here are some roadside versions. (Link)

There are many more to gawk at, too many to list them all. Some examples: fish, cats & dogs, and Jugg City.

Have a look around. I am sure that you will find one you could call your own. Stay true.