
“Out of all the Charlie Browns in the world, you are the Charlie Brownest.”

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Cows With Guns Aren't Fun

Don't Mess with Texas. Meat is Murder. Guns Are the Answer.

Everything I ever needed to know I learned from Che Guevara

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Hey Democrats! The Time Has Come...

Bored with Honesty and Common Sense?

Feel America Has Lost Its Mind?

Don't Become Depressed... Become Republican

Friday, November 25, 2005

2 Great Cat Cartoons from The Joy of Tech Comic

Below are two great cartoons from my favorite online comic, The Joy of Tech:

"What your cat is really telling you..." Click Here

"Deciphering cat body language" Click Here

Friday, November 18, 2005

"High Five project ends early"

"Lanes open Sunday, marking 'last step' in 4 years of roadwork," reports Tony Hartzel of the Dallas Morning News. "It's time for the ultimate moment on the newest crown jewel in Dallas' transportation network. Sometime early Sunday morning, crews are expected to remove the final barriers that restrict main lane traffic at the Dallas High Five. With it will come the unofficial end of decades of battles, hassles and traffic jams." Link for full story.

Update: Try this link to the story if the link above does not work (or asks for a log-in).

Elm Fork Nature Preserve

Yesterday (Thursday) I had a very refreshing experience. Having the luxury of the day off and my own, I decided to be adventurous and check out a local place that I read about in the newspaper earlier this summer. The place I am referring to is the Elm Fork Nature Preserve in Carrollton, TX. It is really a “get away from the city in the city” kind of place. I had a great time with the critters.
Click here to see the pictures from my walk.

Here is some information about the park:

History of Elm Fork Nature Preserve
The Elm Fork Nature Preserve was purchased as a woodright in 1861 by the Bramblitt Family. The land was never clear-cut and in 1986 the 40 acres were given to the city of Carrollton as a self-contained ecosystem, virtually undisturbed. The preserve offers an Interpretive Center with a nature education library, which is open for scheduled classes and hikes. Trails are open for hikes 365 days a year from dawn to dusk. A pond, environmental education classes and more are offered at the facility.

Located within McInnish Park
2335 Sandy Lake Road
Carrollton, TX 75006

Click here to visit website for further details

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Papercraft sculptures from single sheets of A4

Peter Callesen is a sculptor who makes amazing papercraft fantasies out of single sheets of A4-sized paper.
Link to Korean site, Link to official site (Found on BoingBoing)

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Analyst: One million Windows users switch to Mac

Jonny Evans from Macworld.co.uk writes in Small Business:

As many as one million Windows users may have switched to Macs this year as the iPod halo transforms Apple into a technology industry "darling", an analyst said Monday.

Link to read on...

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

“Mac takes bite out of Windows”

Paul Andrews writes for the Seattle Times, “Hardly a week goes by that I don’t hear from a friend or colleague with a monumental Windows problem. I tell them I’m glad to help, on one condition: Next time they buy a computer, they agree to consider a Macintosh. A year ago, after a particularly trying week of spyware, adware, viral attacks, lock-ups and reboots, I changed my primary computer to a Mac.” [Nov 07, 2005]