Well it has been one year since I began this experiment called cblounge*blog. I have covered all sorts of things, from new tech toys to movies to music/iPod playlists to travels. I have changed
my web site's look at least 3 times as well as adding my other blog,
mac*n*cheese & applesauce, which is concentrated on all things mac. I have learned a lot in the last year. And I hope you can tell by my posts. A year ago I would say I was a newbie in the blogoshere. Now, well I guess I cannot call myself a newbie any longer, but I still have lots to learn. That is why we are all here, to learn. Right? So thanks for the support over the last year, and please stay tuned. There is more to come.
Just added: I have began my very own
Flickr account. Please have a look. Some pictures are also on
my web site, but some are not. I will be adding more pics as time goes on.
Also, please welcome Ricardo to the blog world. His new blog,
DemSaltys, was launched late last month. Let's give him a warm welcome!