Hello everyone, sorry for the mess. I am have been quite absent lately and I do apologize. I have been busy, that is my excuse. Between working on web sites and my day job, I have been busy. From the new season of “24” to the continuing strangeness of “Lost”, I have busy. Oh yeah, I can’t forget my need of Law & Order and music on my iPod. I have been busy. Now I am back. And ready for a new year? What exactly have I been up to? Well, I have a couple of web site projects I am working on, one of which is a revamping of
www.cblounge.com. More details coming soon. My day job has also been somewhat busy. It is only going to get more hectic too. I don’t like thinking about it too much.
I have also been blessed to have had the opportunity to spend time with some folks very special to me (over the holidays and after). Most of whom I have not seen in some time. I spent time over Christmas with my Mom, Dad, sister and the rest of my family in Amarillo. I miss you guys. I was also able to catch up with my good friend Link. It was very good to see you man. Holla! I also had the chance to spend some quality time with my travel buddy Elizabeth, whom was in town for a short time. When’s our next trip Liz?
And now it is 2006. What will this year bring? Lots of good times? Lets hope so.